New York Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer
If you have an elderly or disabled loved one in a nearby nursing home or assisted living facility, the thought of that person falling victim to nursing home abuse is horrifying. Unfortunately, this kind of abuse does occur. At the NYC law firm of Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf, our top rated nursing home abuse attorneys have years of experience litigating personal injury and wrongful death claims on behalf of clients whose loved ones were harmed by nursing home abuse or neglect in New York.
Our firm will hold these facilities responsible for nursing home neglect and abuse, which can be exhibited in the form of:
- Bedsores and decubitus ulcers: One of the most common problem encountered as the result of nursing home negligence are bedsores. They occur as the result of failure of the nursing home staff to properly turn the patients so they are not constantly lying on their back. Bedsores usually develop in the area of the lower spine. Depending on their severity, bedsores can be stage 1 to 4. Once a bedsore progresses to stage 4, it becomes very difficult to treat. They are also extremely painful and can lead to disastrous problems for a patient. If not recognized and treated promptly, bedsores can result in systemic infection and in the worst case scenario can lead to death.
- Carelessness and negligence resulting in death
- Medication errors
- Malnutrition and dehydration
- Burns
- Falls/Drops
- Elopement
- Physical and sexual abuse
Once a family has made the difficult decision to place a loved one in the care of a nursing home or an assisted living facility, a family has the right to expect that their loved one will not be injured as a result of neglect or abuse. Unfortunately, nursing home neglect and abuse are realities in the State of New York and it is critical that nursing home staff members who injure your loved one through neglect or abuse are held accountable for their actions.
Nursing home neglect and abuse can be the result of any number of causes. Among the more common causes seen in New York are the following:
- The facility may be understaffed
- Staff may not be qualified for their assigned responsibilities
- Inadequate employee background checks
- Inadequate maintenance of medical equipment
- Inadequate cleaning of the facility

Bedsore Caused by Negligent Nursing Home Personnel
Nursing home neglect and abuse is often difficult to detect, and families should be on the lookout for common warning signs. There are various warning signs of a problem potentially involving nursing home neglect and abuse that are commonly seen in New York:
- Untreated bedsores, wounds, cuts, bruises, or welts
- Abnormally pale complexion
- Bruises in a pattern that would suggest restraints
- Excessive and sudden weight loss
- Fleas, lice, or dirt on resident or in resident’s room
- Poor personal hygiene, unpleasant odors or other unattended health problems
- Torn clothing or broken personal items

A Bedsore that was Untreated Developed to an Advanced Stage
Hundreds of thousands of New York residents now live in nursing homes or will live in nursing homes at some point in their lives. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities should be places where an elderly or disabled family member goes to enjoy a life of rest, comfort, and safety. Many nursing homes near and in New York are owned and operated by companies or individuals who are motivated by profits rather than the needs of their residents. All too often, these facilities are staffed by individuals who lack proper training and/or do not have the best interests of your loved one in mind. If you believe that an elderly or a disable loved one was neglected or abused please contact our firm.
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